While I am passionate about feminist philosophy as a whole, I am especially excited about the historically-overlooked women philosophers of the early modern period.
Publications |
Work in progress |
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Publications for a broader audience
Papers in development
Research GrantsI currently hold a SSHRC Insight Development grant ($61,724) for the project "The Metaphysics of Marriage: Modern Women Philosophers." Broadly, this project examines the ways in which modern women philosophers conceived of marriage as a philosophical concept and how their theorizing was embedded in larger ongoing socio-political debates (e.g., about slavery, political obligation, and about alienated labor). The project also seeks to examine the ways in which genre influenced what and how these philosophers theorized about marriage.
I, along with Elena Gordon, also hold a SSHRC Connection Grant for our recent event Women and Epistemic Emotions in the Early Modern Period at McMaster University on October 25-27 2024. Our event website is https://wephil.humanities.mcmaster.ca/.
We will be publishing papers from this conference in a special edition of the Journal of Modern Philosophy, tentatively planned for 2025. |
Research networks on early modern philosophers
Although research on early modern women philosophers is still fairly recent - only a few decades! - there is an extensive and productive research community. Below are links to some of the larger hubs of researchers working on these exciting and historically overlooked philosophers.